Regardz Hotels & Meeting Centers en

Barchman Wuytierslaan 2, 3818 LH Amersfoort

Internships: The Netherlands

[email protected]

Regardz Hotels & Meeting Centers en 

Our organization

Regardz Hospitality Group is a hospitality company. Our name actually says it all. Hospitality is our last name. We believe that everything revolves around people and that people continue to visit and meet each other – certainly in today’s digital society. The real encounter from person to person. We are a family business (200 employees, including trainees) and the family feeling creates a home feeling for our employees, our guests and our customers. “Meet and do together” is our message.

Regardz Hotels & Meeting Centers brings together 400,000 guests annually. In our own 2 hotels (Amersfoort and Rotterdam) and in our 6 event- and meeting centers (Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Utrecht and Zwolle). We make our customers happy with annually 22,000 (inter)national meeting bookings and solutions via (Amersfoort): a unique, independent intermediary in the international meeting market.

Our culture

Our corporate culture is sacred. We are convinced that our employees want to feel like a fish in water. “Pleasure beats performance” is our motto. Our hospitality model – in seven steps to Heartwarming Hospitality – and our culture program Kindest Together are our internal heaters and our culture heroes are our real gold. Our ambition is to be and remain the nicest company in the Netherlands.

Regardz Hospitality Group B.V. was recognized as a “Great Place to Work” at the end of 2019! And being and remaining a Great Place to Work is only possible with the most charming employees. Employees who are intrinsically motivated to make other people – guests, customers and colleagues – happy.

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