Van der Valk Hotels

70 hotels and Van der Valk Dienstencentrum

Internships: The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain and The Netherlands Antilles

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Van der Valk Hotels

Category: Hotel

As a trainee at Van der Valk, you are part of the most beautiful hospitality family of the Netherlands. Van der Valk is leading in the field of hospitality and has about 100 hotels in and outside of the Netherlands. Of these hotels, 70 belong to the Van der Valk Verrast group and are located in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands Antilles.

How it all started:

In 1939 Martien and Rie van der Valk started a restaurant in Voorschoten. Martien wanted his 11 children to be well looked after, so he came up with the idea of what was the beginning of the Van der Valk Restaurants chain; each child would have their own business. By purchasing catering establishments for all of his children, Martien expanded the Van der Valk brand. Soon, it became a household name in the Netherlands, because both business travellers and day-trippers were able to enjoy the generous portions of Dutch cuisine in the restaurants that were based in favourable locations. As Martien’s grandchildren joined the business, the restaurants became motels, and later hotels.

As a family business, Van der Valk is always focussing on the next generation. Therefore, we want to invest in young talent and we focus on education and training. Together we have one goal: to provide a unique experience for our guests! We inspire on another, we motivate each other and we celebrate moments of succes together. At Van der Valk, we call this “verrassend vanzelfsprekend”!

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